We Buy Drill Rigs, Tooling, Heavy & Light & Salvage Construction Machinery, Air Compressors, Mud Pumps, Engines, GenSets, Components and Parts, etc we have listed online. We can help you broker what you are selling to our large domestic & international customer base by listing the items on our website for free (exclusive agreements available).
Below are Furukawa mining drill models we are a dealer with mobile technicians & services available in PA, OH, NY, NJ, MD, WV, VA, IN, DEL states. Contact directly Michael Hoover 570-966-7312 (Western PA, OH, MD, VA, WV DC in USA) & Tony Morell 570-780-9325 (Eastern PA, NJ, NY) for Sales & Technical Questions. Luis Herrera 570-217-6938 Sí, hablamos español por teléfono y correo electrónico.